Public Broadcasting System

From September 14-29th the Staten Island Ferry, which transports commuters from Staten Island, New York to lower Manhattan, will perform a dual public service. Acting as both public transport and public broadcaster, the Ferry will be host to The FM Ferry Experiment. Organized by artists neuroTransmitter, the project will reach out to a broad audience. Those in the know can tune into WSIA 88.9 FM (or listen online at,, or and others--like the thousands of daily commuters who utilize the ferry--may serendipitously be exposed to avant-garde music and sonic experiments during their twenty-five minute commute. With echoes of a pirate radio station, this offshore operation will be hosting live performances by artists such as Emily Jacir and Jamal Rayyis, and Alex Villar, as well as recordings of previous works by free103point9 artists, Paul Chan, Martha Rosler, and Scanner.