Sousveillance Culture Panel

Sousveillance Culture panel at Conflux 2007 (NY), with Amy Alexander, Hasan Elahi, and Jill Magid, moderated by Marisa Olson

Saturday, September 15, 2007
2:30pm - 4:00pm

Luna Lounge
61 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Rhizome presents this panel, in conjunction with Conflux, New York's annual festival for contemporary psychogeography, the investigation of everyday urban life through emerging artistic, technological, and social practice. The panel centers on sousveillance, the practice of watching from below (sous-) rather than above (sur-). A diverse group of artists whose work engages surveillance will explore the cultural and political implications of sousveillance, which tends to be discussed as empowering when manifest as a "taking-back" of cameras or the rising-up of "little brother," but which also unfolds in an era of increased self-surveillance, encouraged by both the government and the culture of participatory and 'transparent' media.

[Click-through for full details and participant bios.]