Shirely Shor - Extreme runways and transformed surfaces.
shirley shor
Xanadu & See Saw - Shirley Shor

Shirley Shor expresses her interest in space via a variety of works that bend, stretch, convolve and renew three dimensionality to produce a body of work with sharp compositional aesthetics and considered colours. Inevitably the work insinuates aspects of the real world, utopian architecture, liquid runways and roads, but also, as referred to in her artist statement, political boundaries and territories. Many of the pieces involve custom built software to produce real-time animations and transformations via simple rule-based algorithms.

The Other Spaces series contain rectilinear grids that have been distorted to become liquefied, a set of 'post fish eye lens' spaces which 'contain elastic boundaries, extreme runways, and liquid structures that expand our common perception of space and time. Elsewhere we find the Book of Life, a 'little machine that writes urban architecture in space' -- hermetic grids and structures illuminate each page, networks both microscopic and macroscopic are implied.