
ana otero:

a project by CAPSULA

eugene thacker
critical art ensemble

Saturday 20th of October 07 at Intermediea Matadero Madrid

4 pm. presentation of project Neurotica:bioII
4-7 pm. performance "The Body Proud" by Critical Art Ensemble
5.30 pm. presentation Critical Art Ensemble by Steve Kurtz & Lucia Sommer
7 pm. presentation "Extinction and Existence" by Eugene Thacker
+ open discussion moderated by Raquel Renno

neurotica:bioII is the second public manifestation of a research project that examines the anxieties of contemporary society, generated by the rapid advances made in science and technology. Neurotica:bio explores society's perception of advances in biotechnology and the hopes and fears associated with them.

Critical Art Ensemble is a collective of tactical media practitioners that explore the intersections between art, critical theory, technology and political activism.

The Body Proud is a live installation exploring the pathological impact of digital information and communication technology on the human body and mind. The visitors are invited to take a shiatsu session while while they are surrounded by monitors scrolling through the EU statistics on the explosive growth of psychiatric services in the time of digital ubiquity.

Eugene Thacker is the author of a number of books on the philosophy of science and technology, including 'Biomedia,' 'The Global Genome: Biotechnology, Politics, and Culture,' and 'The Exploit: A Theory of Networks' (co-authored with Alexander Galloway). He teaches at the Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta (USA). Extinction and Existence will examine the theme of extinction and the way that is prompts us to reconsider the concept of life as a philosophical concept.

Raquel Renno holds a PhD on Communication and Semiotics ("Culture in Mediated Enviroments") by the Catholic University of Sao Paolo, she is researcher in the National Council of Technologycal and Scientific Research (CNPQ, Brasil) and colaborator in the digital art project Influenza with Rafael Marchetti.

NEUROTICA is a project by CAPSULA

CAPSULA is a research platform created in 2005 by Monica Bello and Ulla Taipale, with the objective of generating cultural products that explore the relationship between art, science and nature. It is a collaborative project that aims to build bridges for dialog among separate disciplines, and stimulate critical thought through the exchange of knowledge.