OTO - Oct 12 (8PM to 11pm)
kingdom M. River:

Over The Opening http://tinjail.com/over_the_opening

60 North 6th Street, 2nd floor Brooklyn, NY, 11211 L train to Bedford Avenue 3 Blocks west on North 6th - just shy of Kent

On the second Friday of each month, from 8PM to 11PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art.

The OTO project begins on October 12 with “Again Transporter,” new works by Michael Sarff.

Sarff’s “Again Transporter” features three video loops, each generated by machine transportation. Parade floats, cars, roller coasters, and auto washes send us forever forward, then back in time. Vehicles dance with us in vacant yet compelling style. Seduction, within these automated ballets, is heightened by Sarff´s choices in editing, cropping and pairing of images.

Along with the videos, Sarff recreates “Some Group Assemble Required (SGAR),” a participatory sculpture first shown at the Good Bad Art Collective, Brooklyn in 2001 and again at the Cranbrook Art Museum in 2002. The work involves plastic models (originally multiple Dodge Chargers but now, possibly, B52 Bombers or Space Shuttles), hot glue, grey paint, a plywood table, beer and your company.

Michael Sarff, under the pseudonym Mark River, is half of the ongoing artist collaboration MTAA.

Upcoming shows at Over The Opening

November 09 - Marisa Olson
December 14 - Mikey Koller
February 08 - RSG