Shine On

There are a few cities in the world whose history is written through its architecture, and Istanbul is a sublime example. Roman hippodromes, Byzantine churches, and spectacular mosques mix with art nouveau and modern structures--conveying a dynamic and layered past and present, both spiritual and civic. Silahtaraga, an Ottoman power station dating from the 20th century, is an awesome example of civic architecture and it has recently, with the oversight of Istanbul's Bilgi University, been turned into a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional space. Home to a massive art space, an energy museum, and a center for culture and education, Santralistanbul has been become host to a number of exhibitions and events, in collaboration with the Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art (Cairo), ZINC--ECM de la Friche Belle de Mai (Marseille), NOMAD (Istanbul), and SCCA (Ljubljana), santralistanbul presents Light, Illumination, Electricity an Artists in Residence program that consists of workshops, open studios, and exhibitions. Taking as its subject Light and Electricity, the projects will echo the transformation of the space both architecturally and culturally. The participating artists, architects, scientists, choreographers, and musicians reflect not only the city's storied past but also its continuing relevance as a major center for art and culture.