Live Stage: Karoke Cell Phone Opera at Eyebeam [NYC]

sc07southpole1x.jpgCellphonia: WET, a karaoke cellphone interactive sound/video installation by Steve Bull, Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Kalin Mintchev, and Terese Svoboda on the world water crisis premieres at NIME (new interfaces for musical expression) June 6 - 9 at Eyebeam, 540 West 21st, NYC. Participants repeat lyrics–or add to the Drip Chorus–by singing into their cellphones.
The result is mixed into an instant 24/7 looping opera performance. Visitors will experience a 20-minute 5-song looping vocals of naiads lamenting the loss of the world’s fresh water with projected video accompaniment.

from Cellphonia: San Jose 2006

Not attending NIME? You can still perform by calling 212-937-7725. Listen to yourself in perrmance at