Lauren Cornell giving a lecture in Barcelona this Friday
The Trend Sessions Devoting Day Two to NetArt at Espacio Movistar

This Friday, June 1, at 5:30 PM, Lauren Cornell, Executive Director of, will give a lecture in Spain on new trends in Net Art.

The present and, above all, the future of Net Art will be the focus of the coming edition of The Trend Sessions, a project seeking to explore the intersections of new technologies and creativity within Espacio Movistar.

There is one essential reference for digital art on the Net:, a portal that has been in existence for over ten years, leading the way in digital art. Its executive director, Lauren Cornell, will be teaching a Masterclass analyzing the latest trends in this sphere of creative art.

Lauren Cornell will go over the history of Rhizome, a touchstone of Digital Art which supports emerging art practices involving the use of technology. She will briefly discuss the way it is set up and the growth experienced over its first decade.

Then, she will reflect upon the challenges of curating in this inherently dynamic and immaterial medium, and offer her expert views on new trends and directions for digital art.

After this presentation, at about 7:30 pm new media researcher Raquel Herrera will be chairing a panel discussion featuring two of Spain's own digital art experts alongside Lauren Cornell.

This Trend Session devoted to Net Art is the second event within the overall symposium devoted to new technologies and creativity in Espacio Movistar. The symposium consists of masterclasses and debates with world-renowned personalities in each sphere addressed.

Remember: attendance is free but space is limited. In order to attend, just book a seat by calling 690-770-720 or e-mailing