NIP: New Interfaces for Performance: Polar Produce
NIP (New Interfaces for Performance) is a unique and practical, artists led, workshop and touring event, which examines techniques for creating new media and interactive work for live performance.

We consider 'new interfaces' to be the creation of artistic work (music, visuals, sound, graphics, theatre), which uses or repurposes existing or emerging digital devices, tools and infrastructures to create new forms of live interaction between audience-performers, performer-performer and/or performer-instrument.

Initiated and led by the Bristol based media arts collective Polar Produce, NIP aims to support artists working in this area by creating opportunities for touring and continued professional development.

The theme for the 2007 NIP series is on gesture and movement within live performance. This refers to interfaces, which use movement, hand and body gestures, or touch as the means through which to make or interact with the work.

Over 2007 three NIP events will take place in Bristol, UK, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Lisbon, Portugal. At each location a lead artist (Zachary Lieberman, Michel Waisvisz, Christina Kubish) has been selected to facilitate a three-day workshop, which will be attend by artists invited from the UK, The Netherlands and Portugal. As part of the tour, at each location, lead and participating artists will give public performances and talks.