Myths of Immateriality: Curating, Collection and Archiving Media Art

Danube TeleLectures
May 27th 2007
live from MUMOK, Vienna
with Christiane PAUL & Paul SERMON
17.00h CET (Start of Streaming)

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During the last decades media art has grown to be the art of our time, though it has hardly arrived in our cultural institutions. The mainstream of art history has neglected developing adequate research tools for these contemporary art works, they are exhibited infrequently in museums, and there are few collectors. Media art is hardly being archived and systematically preserved like ancient and traditional forms of art. This loss of data our society is facing because of the change in storage media and operational systems threatens to result in a total loss of our contemporary digital art. Which practices and strategies in the curating and documenting of media art do experts in the field suggest?

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