[NYC] LEMUR News: Robosonic + Tranzducer
LEMUR: League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots presents Robosonic Eclectic: Live Music by Robots and Humans

An exciting start to the summer for LEMUR...Robosonic Eclectic will be a not-to-be-missed event, with live performances by a spectrum of amazing composers and performers. The sessions will be a night of human-meets-machine performances.

Performing live, May 31 - June 2

They Might Be Giants: Robots + John and John
JG Thirlwell (Foetus): Robots + string quartet
Morton Subotnick: Robots + live percussion
George Lewis: Robots + virtuoso jazz trombone

Plus Solo Robot Works by
R. Luke DuBois and J. Brendan Adamson

3-Legged Dog Art and Technology Center
80 Greenwich Street, NYC
May 31, June 1st & June 2nd, 8:00 pm
Tickets: $20, available from http://brownpapertickets.com