Inbetween Zone workshop
Technologically Expanded Dance
November 22 – 24, 2007
CULTURGEST, Lisbon Portugal

The Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, TU Lisbon, is pleased to announce the Conference Technologically Expanded Dance which will be held at CULTURGEST from November 22 - 24, 2007

The following conference topics will be considered:
- Cross modal perception, artificial synesthesia and intermedial relations between artistic languages.
- Motion capture systems and archives of body movements.
- Aesthetic signification of technology.
- Transfers from game structures onto audible, visual or kinetic narratives.
- Corporeality and new technologies.
- Virtual and augmented reality applied to the stage.

Call for formal presentations, media art installations and pocket performances:

CULTURGEST has a small auditorium, 4 rooms and 1 foyer that could host pannels on the above themes, media art installations, and pocket performances. Proposals should be submitted online by 29 June 2007. Following an evaluation by the reviewers, authors will be notified by the end of July 2007.