(in)visible sounds

Exhibition and Seminar
June 2 - July 14, 2007
Netherlands Media Art Institute

The artists in (in)visible sounds investigate the invisible world of sound waves and frequencies and electromagnetic fields. In all cases they touch on issues concerning the radiation that is ever-present, but imperceptible to our senses. They make use of technologies that are present around us, but invisible, and by playing with electromagnetic waves and different frequencies their works surprise us with an abundance of information and possibilities.

Artists: Erich Berger, David Haines & Joyce Hinterding, Usman Haque & Rob Davis, Informationlab (Ursula Lavrencic & Auke Touwslager), Olga Kisseleva, Brandon LaBelle & James Watts, Semiconductor, Theodore Watson

Seminar: June 02, 2007
Artists from the exhibition will present their work which focus on the influence of invisible technology on daily live.
The seminar will be streamed live on www.montevideo.nl

Exhibition in cooperation with the 5 days off festival.