Botborg present live audio-visual performances using a complex feedback web, consisting of audio and video mixers, screens and camera. In this web, sound and vision are blended into a self perpetuating synaesthesia of interdependent colour and rhythm, generated (in real time) entirely by device feedback. All performances are completely improvised and no outside source material is used in addition to the no-input feedback system. Botborg performances fuse sound and light into intensely visceral experiences which do not fit into the established categories of cinema or music, and explore the boundaries of analogue and digital technology; art and science; reality and magic. Botborg is a practical demonstration of the theories of Dr Arkady Botborger (1923-81), founder of the 'occult' science of Photosonicneurokineasthography - translated as "writing the movement of nerves through use of sound and light". Botborg claim that sound, light, three-dimensional space and electrical energy are in fact one and the same phenomena, and that the capacity of machines to alter our neural impulses will bring about the next stage in human evolution.

Originally from by lukemunn reBlogged on May 17, 2007, 1:46AM