Tom R. Chambers' MY DEAR MALEVICH is part of aniGma-4, the Fourth Novosibirsk International Festival of Digital Imaging on exhibit at the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia [May, 2007].

This homage to Kasimir Malevich is a confirmation of Chambers' Pixelscapes as Minimal Art and in keeping with Malevich's Suprematism ... the feeling of nonobjectivity ... the creation of a sense of bliss and wonder via abstraction. Chambers' action of looking within a Malevich photo to find the basic component(s) ... pixel(s) is the same action as Malevich looking within himself ... inside the objective world ... for a pure feeling in creative art to find his "Black Square", "Black Cross" and other Suprematist works.