A lab is a lab is a lab at The Kitchen, NYC

For Immediate Release

The Kitchen presents A lab is a lab is a lab

The Kitchen presents an evening of live-cinema featuring unique collaborations between sound and image makers. Utilizing unusual instruments and sound sources including the theremin, brainwave monitors, oscilloscopes, contact microphones, anamorphic lenses, and the magic lantern, participating artists Maria Chavez, Angie Eng, Bradley Eros, Andy Graydon, Sarah Ibrahim, Zach Layton, Anthony Ptak, Joel Schlemowitz, Lary Seven, Ray Sweeten, and Keiko Uenishi will explore the subversions and rediscoveries connecting science, mystery, and desire. Organized by artist and curator Bradley Eros and Assistant Curator at The Kitchen Matthew Lyons, this event will take place at The Kitchen (512 West 19th Street) on Thursday, May 24 at 8pm. Tickets are $5.