Mobilized! this weekend


The Mobilized! conference is this weekend Saturday, May 5th and Sunday May 6th. Mobilized! is event that focuses on mobile communications media practices and technologies and the ways they are rapidly changing public space and social interaction.

Saturday, May 5 – 7PM EYEBEAM – 540 W.21st St. Bet. 10th & 11th Ave., NYC, Sunday, May 6 – 10AM – 8PM POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY - Six Metrotech Center, Brooklyn,

CUNYcolab, The Center for Social Media at American University, and a group of university programs doing work in digital media have joined to sponsor an event that brings together people making mobile media, designing software, and using mobile and locative technologies.

Mobilized! is an ‘unconference’ where content is driven and created by a convergence of students, designers, artists, scholars, activists, and media professionals in the spirit of the open source movement.

Mobilized! – a chance to look at what people are doing with mobile media, a chance to find out how to do it yourself, and a moment to reflect on the social significance of these practices.

Mobilized! will feature:

* A kickoff event with keynote by Siva Vaidhyanathan, author of The Anarchist in the Library.

*A showcase of student, artist, community and new business projects and mobile video and project awards.

*Workshops focused on creating platforms and projects on mobile devices including new tools like Python, Java Micro Edition (J2ME), Microsoft’s .NET Mobile Edition, Flash Lite, Google Maps and Mobile, Mobile Processing, and a look at how they are being used in areas from open source telephony and mobile video blogging, to mobile gaming and locative urbanism with noted designers, programmers and artists.

see for more details

There is still room to present projects or conduct a workshop: That means we’re looking for anyone, particularly but by no means exclusively, students, interested in doing a presentation of work, a workshop, a talk or discussion around mobile or locative technologies and public space, interpreted widely…

If you want to do a workshop, let us know. We have spaces with projectors, computers, etc. If you want to present work, either finished art, design, software, hardware, finished or a work-in- progress, let us know. We will have a presentation area.

Send a note to email: tellme (at)

Doris Cacoilo