ArtKrush On the Art Blogosphere


Screengrab AFC

ArtKrush published a feature today on the art blogosphere following up their first article in December of 2005. Spreading the linking love around there are no repeat mentions from 2005 in the main article, though they do provide a comprehensive list of bloggers at the end of the piece. Since 23 bloggers are mentioned in the feature, I won’t bother going through all of them, but highlights include The Guardian’s art and architecture blog, Kriston Capp’s Grammar.police, VVork, and if you’ll excuse some necessary self promotion, none other than yours truly. Exclusive features go to We Make Money Not Art who receives a write up in the media category of the magazine, The Design Observer as the one to watch, and Artkrush editor Paul Laster conducts their interview segment with Alec Soth.
