The Museum of Lost Interactions

The Museum of Lost Interactions is an online virtual museum created by a group of students at the University of Dundee. The students call themselves "Interaction Archaeologists", and the website thus contains a collection of forgotten communication and entertainment media, all of which are made up by the students in order to reflect the social and technological changes happening in the field of media and communication in recent years.

The selection of imaginary communication and entertainment devices includes the Acoustograph from 1925. According to the creators, the upper class city families that owned these devices were able to request a musical composition using the built in Morse key. Thus the Acoustograph was a music downloading device well ahead of its time. Or what about the Zenith Radio Hat from 1952, the world's most portable radio of its time consisting of a combined hat and walking cane. The Zenith Radio Hat allowed the user to tune in and listen to radio stations from around the world while on the move.

Also be sure to check out the Richophone, the PRAT Sampler, the Social Communicator, the Case Communicator, the Chordmaster, the PESTER, and the Video Case. All well documented through entertaining video clips.

Video of the Acoustograph.
Video of the Zenith Radio Hat.

Via 24HourMuseum.

The Museum of Lost Interactions contains a collection of forgotten, however, imaginary communication and entertainment media.