<nettime-ann> Museums and the Web 2007: Papers on-line
Via: "J. Trant"

Museums and the Web 2007
April 11 - 14, 2007
San Francisco, California, USA

** MW2007 Papers: Now On-line **

The first of the papers to be presented at Museums and the Web 2007 are now available on-line. Follow the links from the speakers list or click on any highlighted title in an Abstract to view the full paper text. (All papers will be available on-line before the meeting.)
** Pre-Register for MW2007: April 6, 2007 Deadline **
Register for MW2007 before April 6, 2007 to take advantage of the reduced pre-registration rate. You can also register on-site.
Download the PDF Registration Form from the web site before you come.
** Participate in the Crit Room or Usability Lab **
This is your last chance to volunteer your site for the Crit Room or the Usability Lab. If you'd like instant feedback from your peers, this is the way to get it. Email mw2007@archimuse.com with an indication of why you are interested.
** See You In San Francisco **
If you are planning to come to MW2007, make your hotel reservation right away. While there is no more space in the Westin St. Francis, you can get the special MW rate at the Omni San Francisco. Reserve before March 27th from
We hope to see you in April.
jennifer and David