Upgrade! São Paulo


Silvia Laurentiz

Martha C C Gabriel will launch Upgrade! São Paulo on April 18, 2007 with a presentation by Silvia Laurentiz :: 7:30 pm @ i-People: Av Vergueiro 727, next to the Vergueiro Subway Station.

Cybernetics in Art: From Theory to Artworks by Silvia Laurentiz: The Cybernetics realized a big conceptual leap in the 1960s, emphasizing the information and organization processes. It meant that the focus would also be in the questions of language that would allow communication between different systems, for it was a science of the communication and control in the human being and machines. However, the definition of cybernetics was widening until it became what it is today: the study of systems -- or organisms -- complex and adaptive. The idea of programs, models, mathematics calculations and formulations, mobility, chance, networks, emergent patterns, multiple perspectives, generative structures, procedure authorship, semantic events and labyrinth, began to take part of artistic propositions. This talk will present four artworks that use some mechanisms introduced by cybernetics and the notion of system in the digital poetry that demonstrate the narrow relationship between poetics and the codes of the computational logic.

Silvia Laurentiz is professor at the department of Fine Arts of the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo. PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC/SP (Pontifi­cia Universidade Católica de São Paulo), Master's Degree in Multimedia from State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and Bachelor of Arts. Graphics and multimedia designer and art & new technologies researcher, she has developed works in virtual reality, multimedia and web art, participating of several international exhibitions and conferences.

Upgrade! São Paulo was founded by Martha C C Gabriel.