Upgrade! Skopje



Upgrade! Skopje: Home_video # 002 screenings series: "Videomart" [screenings + improv session of the band Martinki] :: Wednesday, 21.12.2007, 20.30 h :: Cultural center Tocka, Skopje :: organisation: Line I+M [initiative and movement] :: partners: Cultural Center Tocka, Skopje.

As part of the frontline [new initiatives], Line I+M kindly invites you to the screenings entitled Videomart from the Home_Video series of projections, at the Cultural center Tocka, Skopje. Between the projections there will be short music intermezzo, and after the ending there will be a half an hour improv session performed by the band Martinki, formed specially for this event.

In the second round there will be 5 authors presented: Vladimir Lukash, Gjorge Jovanovic, Ljubisha Kamenjarov, Vuk Mitevski and Edin Vejselovic.

Upgrade! Skopje is a monthly gathering of new media artists and curators. Upgrade! Skopje will organize presentations, exhibitions, workshops, discussions, sound performances, dj and/or vj gigs, video presentations with general aim for promotion and development of new media art practices, through various kinds of exhibiting and performing. Meetings can take place on various locations in Skopje like: clubs, cafes, galleries or studios. We think that is very important to find different space, appropriate for each kind of event, building different type of audience, establishing collaboration with various scenes, building stronger scene, community and networking. Upgrade! Skopje is opened for every artist that is travelling this way to present their work here, get promoted and become introduced with the local scene with aim to develop collaboration / communication. Upgrade! Skopje is organized by Line - initiative and movement.