Surveillance Video Entertainment Network: Workshop + Perfomance at ZEMOS98

SVEN (Surveillance Video Entertainment Network) is a real time videoperformance system that, from a critical point of view, ironies about the development of artificial intelligence in certain kinds of surveillance systems.

SVEN is a system comprised of a camera, monitor, and two computers that can be set up in public places - especially in situations where a CCTV monitor might be expected. The software consists of a custom computer vision application that tracks pedestrians and detects their characteristics, and a real-time video processing application that receives this information and uses it to generate music-video like visuals from the live camera feed. The resulting video and audio are displayed on a monitor in the public space, interrupting the standard security camera type display each time a potential rock star is detected.

SVEN will be part of ZEMOS98 Festival in Seville from March 20 to 23 as a workshop at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. A performance will take place the last day of the workshop.

SVEN will be shown at the Whitney Museum in New York from 8 June to 11 August, 2007.