from a land down under (myspace)


Being MTAA, Just for one Day...

Once upon a time, I made a site for MTAA on myspace. (Yeah, I know, I know.) Then, a person named "Penny" from Australia asked to be MTAA's friend. So I, of course, said, "Yes". Then she asked if I wanted to be part of a chain of email performances. So I, of course, said, "Yes". (Yeah, I know, I know.) This is where it gets a bit complicated but stay with me. Penney made a list of performers. The person above MTAA name was to send us an artwork and the person below our name was to get an artwork. Now, the person above our name was Emily. Emily emailed that she thought that email was a bit impersonal (or at least I think that was what she thought), She asked if she could mail us some art. So I, of course, said, "Yes". Today, in the mail, came Emily's first project.

Wonderful right? If we get another one, I'll post it on the blog as well.

Now, as for sending an artwork, the person we got was Penny (who, you'll remember, also started the project.) What did we send her? We sent her a set of instructions for a performance on how to be "MTAA" that, if she completed and documented, would be the artwork. (Yeah, I know. I know.) Anyways, here is what we sent her:

Being MTAA, Just for one Day
To Be Performed by Penny Spankie

Dress in a black t-shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and a black belt. Perform any or all of the following artworks/ actions. Each performance attempted should be documented with 2 photographs or 2 short videos.

1. lying propped up in bed
2. checking your hair in a mirror
3. tossing a paper airplane out of a window
4. pointing at public sculpture
5. jumping over things on the street.
6. holding an open umbrella inside your home.
7. listening to music with headphones on.
8. drinking a beer not in a bar

So, guess what? She wrote back with this documentation of choice #2 (Checking your hair in the mirror)

Reply Video - for MTAA - Email Art - RCW

Reply Video - for MTAA - Email Art - RCW


So, If we get any more email myspace art, you'll see it here. That's all for now. Thanks Emily and Penney. [posted by M.River on MTAA-RR]