Dutch Electronic Art unFestival

rui guerra:

unDEAF is an uncurated, unmoderated, self-organizational online and offline ecosystem where the content and development is driven and created by the participants.

Call for participation

unDEAF: Dutch Electronic Art unFestival

unDEAF is a satellite event of the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2007. unDEAF is uncurated. Your work will not be judged, or restricted by a theme, neither it has to be finalized. unDEAF is self-organized. You organize and promote your own event, whether an art piece, a performance, a talk, a workshop, a meal, a song, a party or other as-yet-undefined events.

How to participate in 3 steps:

1. Announce your event at the website (http://undeaf.v2.nl/WhoIsDoingWhat).
2. Subscribe to the mailinglist and stay tuned to the latest news.
3. Show up in person or avatar from 10th to 15th of April.

For those brave-hearts that would like to help organizing unDEAF, we might have simple accommodation for free.

From Tuesday 10th to Sunday 15th of April
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Free participation