Turbulence Artist's Studio:


Michael Takeo Magruder

Turbulence Artist's Studio: Continuum? by Michael Takeo Magruder :: Needs Flash Player 8+ plugin and stereo audio

Continuum? reflects upon the evolution of our collective history through the real-time analysis of global news information networks. As no event transpires in isolation, each moment of our existence is defined by the sum of an infinite number of interconnected occurrences. Given that no individual can absorb and process the totality of this information, how can we obtain an informed notion of the present?

"Continuum?" was commissioned by Oog online, a commentary and opinion platform for the online edition of De Volkskrant a major Dutch daily national newspaper.

Michael Takeo Magruder is an American artist based in the UK deploying New and Technological Media within Contemporary Art contexts. He is a long-standing member of King's Visualization Lab located in the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London. His artworks have been showcased in over 150 exhibitions and 30 countries. Artistically, his interests concern the simultaneous utilization and dissection of new technology as a means to explore the formal structures and conceptual paradigms of the digital realm. He seeks to create artworks in which there are no divisions between technologies, aesthetics, and concepts.