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Spamtrap, created by Bill Shackelford, monitors an email address the artist created specifically to lure in spam.

This email address -or spamtrap- is never used for any communication, it is posted on websites and online bulletin boards that cause it to be harvested by spambots and then to start receiving spam. The spam filter is then adjusted to look for characteristics found in those confirmed spam messages when filtering out spam for Shackelford's personal email account.

When a new spam email is detected by the (not very eco-friendly*) installation, it automatically prints it out. The printed email slides down a track into the shredder that analyzes it.


* the artist just informed me that the paper is recycled.

More Spam: Monty Python's Flying Circus - Spam, First Person Spam, E-mail Erosion by Ethan Ham, SP4M. D0 Y OU SWA1LOW?, Spoems, Spam inspires dance-theatre show, etc.