Kate Pemberton; Endfile

Kate Pemberton

Endfile the website of Kate Pemberton lists a wide selection of her work, some for sale, some not. The work largely:

electronic and textile based contemporary art

draws on computing / new media and it’s visual / language based culture. It references programming, protocols, iconography, acronyms to name a few which are represented as traditional art objects such as embroidery (image above) or unusual artifacts such as the Vacuum Filaments and Cardboard Networked (image below left and right). The work:

addresses the cultural effects that technology has on society, by examining the influence of the machine and of digital technologies. Art pieces range from interactive electronic installations, to canvas based work and textiles. Ideas stem from the status of craft objects in an age of electronic consumerist culture. Crossovers are identified between computer graphics and craft techniques, these are explored in the creation of tangible art objects.

Kate Pemberton

For those of you interested in Kate's work but find some of it out of your price range make sure you have a look at the Edition Message Samplers (EMS) which have some free patterns to download, cheap mobile phone wallpapers and very reasonable embroidery kits.