



“pop music for the year 4000.”
“Formed in Vienna in the mid-1990’s, the farmersmanual collective represents media art at its most anarchistic. While being best-known for their recordings, in recent years the group have shifted their emphasis towards extensive live performances, in which imaginative computer animation, synchronized with ‘chaos-particle-accelerating’ music, and the overall ambience of uncontrollable technology form a seamless whole. This globe-trotting group with a fluctuating line-up of four to five members hail from the same Mego label roster as last year’s Avanto visitors Fennesz, Pita and Hecker. […] ‘Our performance at Gloria will not be open to remote interaction. Our presentations at Aula will discuss a lot of these issues and demonstrate some, but the main issue here is a human interface: a more intensive contact with us for a smaller group of people. Our project is a work in progress and at Aula we want to reveal the process behind it that drives us and could possibly also drive other people. Honestly, it’s also a process of understanding our own contributions to a project that has no clear definition/target. No decision, no corporation." (Hiaz via e-mail, 19.9.2001).’” [Anton Nikkila]

farmersmanual (1), farmersmanual (2), farmersmanual wiki, Mego 777