chicago hackmeeting 003
jake elliott:

Hackers, activists, artists, educators: come develop the third Chicago/great lakes hackmeeting - March 17-18 2007 at the flowershop (2159 w 21st place, Chicago IL 60608). Free workshops, discussions and presentations on art, activism & technology; free vegan food all weekend.


Chicago hackmeetings are free conferences organized collaboratively by a rotating crew of hackers, activists and artists to host skillsharing workshops, critical discussions and presentations on hacktivist projects.

Scheduling and organizing Chicago hackmeetings is a public activity, open to anyone to contribute at public meetings or on the website:

This third Chicago hackmeeting is loosely themed around education as a component of radical social practice and educational institutions as sites of resistance. Talks/workshops/discussions already being planned include:

+ Inside the One Laptop Per Child project ( and how electronic constructivist educational theories are being put into practice.
+ Counter-recruitment in chicago schools.
+ Workshops on circuit-bending, net graffiti and electronic civil disobedience.
+ Open hack sessions : live coding collaborative software projects.
+ Live performances and screenings Saturday night and an Artware Deathmatch Sunday night.

Come contribute to the hackmeeting-in-process at and join us on March 17-18th at the Flowershop (2159 w 21st pl Workshops start Saturday morning at 11AM and run until Sunday night at 10PM.

This Chicago hackmeeting is hosted by Daisychain and BUSKER and organized by the people.