Art Since 1960 (According to the Internet) - March 07

Hanne and I are doing a screening at the OFFICE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART NORWAY's New York location. The office/workshop is located on the 2nd Floor of 25 Broadway, adjacent to Battery Park. Due to entrance logistics, attendance to all events requires a prior R.S.V.P. (by Wednesday please) to Ida Ghosh at

Thursday, 8 March at 18:00
Hanne Mugaas + Cory Arcangel: Art Since 1960 (According to the Internet)

Mugaas and Arcangel are concerned with the Internet and its possibilities for archiving and distributing information. Art history uploaded to the Internet is certainly an alternative one, and often the information available is randomly contextualized and interpreted without any hierarchy or control. Based on user generated content, the Internet has become a unique channel of distribution where the responsibility of interpretation lies in the hands of the receiver and his/her ability to sort out and analyze the given information. For this event, Mugaas and Arcangel will sort and collect images, video, and audio from the Internet in order to discern where art and art history on the web is situated right now. The findings will culminate in a video screening presented with a live directors commentary. Through this event, the intention is to discuss for better or worse how art is changed by this situation, and in turn how the Internet is changing our perception of art.