Pixelazo: Wandering the streets of Medellin

Gabriel Zea, Andres Burbano, Camilo Martinez and Alejandro Duque are walking Derive-style the streets of Medellin with their BereBere project.

Inpired by the mimoSa project, BereBere is a mobile apparatus equipped with videos and audio sytems for streaming, sensors (CO2 emission, electrosmog, wireless networks, temperature, etc) to monitor the state of the city and GPS instruments to map these data. BereBere uses only open technologies (both software and hardware) and its members wander through the streets inviting passersby (especially those who might not have access to these technologies) to participate to the creation of contents but also to its discussion and diffusion.

They collect, archive and create visual and audio maps that represent an artistic and experimental portraits of the communities.

Image nicked here.

Related: The Public Broadcast Cart by Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga.