Raw Bits micro.Fests

Festival r4wb1t5 (raw bits)
Experimental Electronics

Mexico D.F.
June 20 - 24 , 2007
Centro Multimedia, CENART.
Casa Vecina
Centro Cultural La Piramide.

The r4WB1t5 micro.Fests in Mexico City will build contextualized, temporary and contingent social structures in the forms of interconnected New Media Art Festivals, Sound Art Events, Social Software, Open Networks of Collaboration and Realtime Audio and Video Performances. These handcrafted digital systems and timespaces will operate as open ports and collaborative situations. Selected artists from Chicago will inhabit these open sourced software architectures hosted by institutions, organizations and individuals in Mexico City. Artists in Mexico City will collaborate and continue conversations initiated by the MEXICAN r4wb1t5 macro..Fest hosted in Chicago during April 2006.

r4WB1t5 micro.Fests are international, decentralized, self-organized and independent festivals of raw bits of digital art and dirty new media. (A) r4WB1t5 micro.Fest is itself an open platform or framework for creating these events in alternative and conversational contexts such as bars, basements, lofts, art spaces, apartments, galleries, online video game environments and other networked spaces. (A) r4WB1t5 micro.Fests extend out of and feeds back into DaDaist, Situationist, Fluxist, punk, digital art and New Media theorypractices, histories, possibilities and positionalities. (A) r4WB1t5 micro.Fests are always free and open collaborative projects, available to anyone interested in self-organizing Digital Arts and dirty New Media.

Programme http://r4wb1t5mexico.blogspot.com/