The Desert Generation
40 Years of Occupation, 1967-2007 -
Israeli and Palestinian Artists against the Occupation and for a Just Peace

A digital photo exhibition at Jerusalem Artists' House
5-11 June 2007

On Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 18:00, the 40th anniversary of the 1967 War, Israeli and Palestinian artists who oppose the occupation and continue to call for its immediate and negotiated end, opened a joint exhibition at the Artists House, Jerusalem. The exhibition was presented for six days, closing on the June 10, 2007 at 19:00.

This six days exhibition was presenting hundreds of images sent via E-mail by artists from Israel, Palestine and around the world, in response to a call distributed on the Internet as a chain E-letter. All the images were printed in a homogenous A4 format and hanged upon the Artists' House walls, with no selection or editing.

The hundreds of images in the exhibition represent a generation of Israeli and Palestinian artists doomed to waste their best years in the desert of the occupation. Freedom of creation is un-divisional, and as long as the rights for self-expression are denied, both Israelis and Palestinians will not be free.

The participants of this exhibition are artists of different ages and artistic perceptions, united under the call for the immediate ending to occupation and negotiation for Peace between the two nations. The exhibition is the outcome of an initiation of artists and is not connected to any political movement.

Organizers: Larry Abramson, David Tartakover, Saliman Mantzur and David Reeb.

More about the exhibition at