Sonar 2007 - Digital a la Carte

As in previous years, one of Sonar's exhibition areas is exclusively for displaying the latest developments in digital art. Digital a la Carte will be diplayed on the 1st floor of the Centre de Cultura Contemporanea de Barcelona (CCCB), June 14 - 16.

Redes Aurales curated by (ES)
We find ourselves facing the need to construct a new theory of knowledge that will allow us to study societies through their sound imaginaries. In this supposed new stage, the semantic web plays an essential and major role, a place for construction rather representation: from the figurative plane to pattern, from perspective to immersion, from object to process, from content to context, from reception to negotiation, from observation to action and from brain automatism to the distributing mind. Here in this new context is where we may find the keys to help us resolve the problem. (a satellite project of the portal, has selected eight projects that use social consensus as a means of working towards constructing that longed for means to knowledge through "aurality".

Featured works:
The Freesound Project


Spam, the Economy of Desire curated by Alessandro Ludovico (IT)
As one of the inescapable communication phenomena of our times, junk e-mail is a substantial part of our infoscape. "Spam" is an exhibition of works curated by Alessandro Ludovico that explores how digital artists have proven themselves smarter than spammers. Taking Spam beyond the computer screen or responding to it through aesthetic strategies of all kinds, these artists could be considered to be the bravest, definitive email heroes.

Featured works:
Jonathan Land, The Spam Letters
Richard Airlie, Ian Morrison, Spamradio
Alex Dragulescu, Spam Architecture
Bill Shackelford, Spamtrap
Markus Boeniger, Spam Shirt
Luca Bertini, 800-178968, a Toll Free Number
Dean Cameron, Victor Isaac, Urgent & Confidential
Nick Philip,"
Today's Spam"


Viviendo@bcn curated by Niu (ES)
Barcelona, a Mediterranean and usually sunny city, is one of Europe's most active and innovative hubs for audiovisual and multimedia arts. Much of this innovation and richness comes from artists born outside of Barcelona, people from a thousand and one different cities who decide to stop here for a time. Many of these artists explore audiovisual language as a form of artistic expression. This small selection shows the creative scope of eight collectives led by artists who have made Barcelona their home over the last few years. Recent arrivals from Sevilla, Bogota or Berlin who are making Barcelona a stop on their professional path and contributing a cultural richness that may be hard to quantify, but is undoubtedly positive. Niu is a cultural space located in Barcelona's Poblenou area that produces, exhibits and publicises contemporary audiovisual arts, multimedia design, digital art and independent electronic music. The subject of study, production and exhibition is the "audio and visual" culture that emerges with the inrush of digital technology into the world of art, design and communication.

Featured works:
Alberto Tognazzi, Intimidades
Dslnc Studio (con musica de Pablo Maffi), Electrospoken World Video Collage Generator
Matekemata, Airport
Sebastian Seifert & Miguel Mari­n, Catangos Remixed
AC 3monitor, 28 Dead...Hundred Injured
Haztelo, El Cruce
Institut Fatima, Wireless Artist for Everyone!
Equipo & Txalo Toloza-Fernandez, Usted No Esta Aqui­