SWITCH, Issue 23



SWITCH: The online New Media Art Journal of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San Jose State University is pleased to announce the launch of Issue 23: FUNCTION // BORDER // DYSFUNCTION.

[....] We have explored issues such as failure (its lessons and its utility), borders (real / virtual, body / technology, open / closed), and in what direction "new" media may be going. Issue 23 highlights the diversity of these activities, which we have grouped under the rubric of "Function / Border / Dysfunction". Among other things, we have interviews with Michael Joaquin Grey, Saskia Sassen and Lu Jie. Cultural theorist / art historian Dore Bowen explores "The Function of Dysfunction" in her article on Fluxus event scores. The CADRE Lab introduces its Speaker Salon Series, it's new artist residency with the Montalvo Arts Center and its collaboration with Ars Virtua in sponsoring the Borders conference in Second Life.

About SWITCH: SWITCH is the new media art journal of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media of the School of Art and Design at San Jose State University. It has been published on the Web since 1995. SWITCH is interested in fostering a critical viewpoint on issues and developments in the multiple crossovers between art and technology. Its main focus in on questioning and analyzing, as well as reporting and discussing these new art forms as they develop, in hopes of encouraging dialogue and possible collaboration with others who are working and considering similar issues. SWITCH aims to critically evaluate developments in art and technology in order to contribute to the formation of alternative viewpoints with the intention of expanding the arena in which new art and technology emerge. SWITCH is overseen by CADRE faculty Joel Slayton and Rachel Beth Egenhoefer.