Becoming Animal: Story of the Kerberos


Becoming Animal: Story of the Kerberos

Minimaforms presents: Becoming Animal: Story of the Kerberos @ Faster Than Sound 2007 :: Design Team: Stephen Spyropoulos, Theodore Spyropoulos, and Ivan Safrin.

Becoming Animal is an interactive performance piece that develops the story of the mythical three headed beast Kerberos, guardian of the underworld. The objective is to create an environment of performance through the collective participation and conversation of Kerberos and participants in the event. Each participant's presence will stimulate the three heads of the Kerberos triggering behavioral interactions and exchanges. Interactions will be expressed through sounds, facial expressions and general activity of the Kerberos. The continued dialogue between users and Kerberos will demonstrate emotions such as love, hate and anger. Participants will be given custom made masks to interact with the Kerberos and each other. This collective playfulness will construct interactions that evolve and become animal.

The project will be installed at the K9 building in Bentwaters Airbase in Suffolk, England. The K9 building will serve as the entrance to this years Faster than Sound Festival. The installation derives its concept from this threshold (entrance to festival), the K9 building and the sound event to create a piece that is context specific.