SELF 2.0 at vertexList

VertexList has the pleasure to present SELF 2.0, a group exhibition of emerging US based media artists. On display recent projects by Mike Beradino, Charles Beronio, Zachary Biberstine, Kara Hearn, Jia Lim and Laura Nova. Commenting on the contemporary strategies of electronically mediated self, SELF 2.0 introduces new and exciting voices of artists from across the country.

A reception will take place on Friday, June 15th 2007 from 7pm - 10pm.
The exhibition will be on display until Saturday, July 08th, 2007.

Live circuit music performance by Jamie Allen/Season of the Bit @ the opening reception.

Curated by Marcin Ramocki and Sakurako Shimizu

VertexList space -- 138 Bayard St Brooklyn NY 11222