urban typologies image mosaic


a collection of image mosaics that visually compare peculiar mundane objects in urban space, ranging from office buildings, over fitness equipment devices to detailed car tail lights.

"The typological array's inherent ability to depict prevalence and repetition make it the perfect technique for examining the excess, redundancy, and meaningless freedom of our current age of consumption. Part of my intent with this work is to answer the question implied by the title of Robert Adams's book What We Bought: If there is some kind of big sellout occuring, what are we getting in the deal?

The typological form achieves an uncanny synergy and resonance with this subject matter because it mimics the mental images I suspect many of us form as a way of ordering the chaos of abundance that surrounds us. We can't help but form in our heads lists, groups and categories based on product, brand, price point, style, market segment, country of origin, etc.

To see one of these turned into a group of images lined up together can be unnerving, though. In print, they confront us in a way never possible when they're just in our heads. We are presented with order, and while it is often an absurd, seemingly pointless order, it is one that we recognize immediately."

[links: markluthringer.com|via urbancom.blogspot.com]

see also daily photo portraits & daily photo mosaic.