ScatterProjects - If Elsewhere
Preview 14.6.07

The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
0870 990 5007
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm

| Levon Biss | PostSecrets | Katamari Damacy | Rob Chui | John Davies |
Open Music Archive| e-Petitions | Blink |

In the "old days", before the Internet, the term 'local' was used to define our surrounding physical environment. We defined our location with an X on the map, and our 'locale' consisted of what was within our sight line, or was 'a stones throw away'. Such terms have since been adopted for use in our online environment, aimed at keeping terms familiar and easy to use, but subsequently generating a duality of meaning, one that blurs the boundaries of the real and the virtual.

If Elsewhere draws from these shared terms and looks at the concept of the Glocal - the global local. Glocality, Glocalisation, all whisper of something close, perhaps an act of making something personal, or a redefininition of our understanding of the near and the far. Our world has physically shrunk; cheap air travel and our networked population mean that the global has become local in every sense. If Elsewhere is interested in how people take control or represent themselves in this Glocality, and as a body of work considers the nuances of the immense and the intimate, revealing different portrayals of this fascinating blend of ephemerality and permanence, public and private.

If Elsewhere is the culmination of a 6-month collaborative project consisting of an 8 person curatorial working group. This includes: Richard Carter, Joanna Johnston, Omar Johnson, Maura Skillen and Joe Turner, final year BA Multimedia students from The University of Huddersfield, UK. It has been supported by Jen Southern, Artist and Lecturer at The University of Huddersfield; Clare Daněk, Programme and Marketing Manager at The Media Centre, Huddersfield; and been coordinated and creatively directed by Scatter - Karen Gaskill, Artist and Researcher.