Interview with Silicious

+Commissioned by Rhizome+

Interview with Silicious, by Petra Cortright

Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist Kathleen Daniel (aka Silicious) combines painting/ animation, music, costume design, and performance in her video art, which is as-yet still emerging in the fine art world, but has garnered her cult status online. Daniel was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and describes herself as eclectic. She has a humorous, imaginative vision that is evident in her voice, and she sites a challenging upbringing and youth fantasies as inspirations in her work. She says, "I sing for the poor souls closest to the street; the ones who suffer the most." Here she was interviewed by artist Petra Cortright, who incorporates questions posed by fellow fans Olia Lialina and Tom Moody.

PC: You are American, but now live in Germany. What was your motivation for moving abroad? How has it affected your work?

KD: Yes, I am an American, living in Germany. I came here because nothing was happening for me in my country (USA), which is too corporate, though not a problem if youre not relying on a 9 to 5. Living in Germany has not affected my work, because my mind trips 24/7 and living here is nothing but a meatball - nothing major is happening that would change my inner being. My goal is to hype my music and animation to the next level, then return to the States - or at least become international.

[Click-through for the remainder of the interview.]