The Wall Piano

As we traipse around the summer's degree shows on the hunt for the hottest, brightest, tastiest new talent, some projects just leap out and slap us about the head with their all-round neatness. Like this: a little bit of tech-trickery that turns an ordinary wall into, you guessed it, a piano.

The Wall Piano is the work of Hon Lam Li (Patrick to his friends), who has just graduated from the London College of Communications Interactive Design BA. Watch a video of it in action here

We got in touch with Patrick to find out more:

CR: How does the Wall Piano work exactly?

P: There are two microphones attached on the wall surface. Those microphones are acting like human ears for the computer. Therefore, the computer is able to hear people who tap/bang on the wall. The program that I made could translate those hits into piano keys.

It all depends on how hard you hit the wall. The lower key will be produced when you hit it harder; and the higher key will be produced when you hit it softer. Just like every other modern piano, it has 88 keys.

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