Where Do Art & Fashion Meet Hi-Tech?

WearNow :: ‘TECH’ is the new ‘BLACK’

While most Australians sun themselves on summer holidays wondering whether there was more to the ipod, 7 international and local facilitators and 20 specially selected artists and designers will be busy indoors stitching the worlds of textile and technology together over 3 intensive weeks at the Australian Network for Art and Technology’s (ANAT) reSkin media lab series.

By no means a simple sewing circle, reSkin will see artists and facilitators research, develop and rapid-prototype sensor, time based and reactive clothing. It’s jewellery-shoes-bags-personal-environmental-you-name-it designs, gadgets, gizmos and devices; anything wearable and technologically integrated.

Designer of ZiZi, the affectionate couch, Stephen Barrass, will lecture alongside leading Australian sound artist Alistair Riddell, Montreal-based squishy circuit designer Joanna Berzowska and fellow MIT media lab alumni, LA-based multimedia designer and programmer Elise Co. The sessions will delve into cutting edge concepts of “smart” artefacts, exploring embedded electronics within the design of everyday objects.

The innovative and extensive reSkin Lab project will conclude with an exciting opportunity for the public to join in the debates that will shape our digidesign future, with the WearNow forum which will be hosted over two days at the National Museum of Australia.

Fri 2nd @ ANU Gallery
Sat 3rd @ National Museum of Australia
ANAT’s WearNow public forum of critical discourse around wearable futures.

To register, please go to www.anat.org.au/reskin
or email: tamara@anat.org.au