Good texts today

Some interesting on-line texts have been published today.

First, and New Media Fix have teamed up for “3 x 3: New Media Fix(es) on Turbulence.”

From Turbulence:

[…] three texts about works from the archive. The texts—published in English, Italian and Spanish—were written and translated by members and affiliates of New Media Fix. They include “The Body in Turbulence” by Josephine Bosma; “Narrating with New Media: What Happened with Whatever has Happened?” by Belén Gache; and “Turbulence: Remixes + Bonus Beats” by Eduardo Navas. The translations are by Lucrezia Cippitelli, Francesca De Nicolò, Raquel Herrera, and Brenda Banda Corona & Ignacio Nieto. Ludmil Trenkov designed the PDF and HTML documents.


Also, G.H. Hovagimyan compares Doug Aitken’s sleepwalkers at MoMA to an unrealized proposal for MoMA’s facade by Gordon Matta-Clark.

Check it out