Upgrade! Paris


Eduardo Kac

Upgrade! Paris: EDUARDO KAC :: Friday, January 19th at 7:00 pm :: ARS LONGA: 67, avenue Parmentier, 75011 PARIS :: Metro: Parmentier (3) or Saint-Ambroise (9).

Eduardo Kac presents his recent work on Biotopes, his poetic work and his approach to the evolution of Bio Art. Biotopes are living pieces that change constantly in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions. Each of Kac's biotopes is literally a self-sustaining ecology comprised of thousands of very small living beings in a medium of earth, water, and other materials. The artist orchestrates the metabolism of these organisms in order to produce his constantly-evolving living works. With Annick Bureaud.

The Upgrade! Paris sessions are organized by Incident.net. They are public and monthly. Artists, researchers, architects, theorists present during one hour their recent work. Partners: CITU, Ars Longa, Upgrade! International.