
M U L T I M E D I A L E p r e v i e w

M a r k C o o l e y | A r t i s t T a l k

I n t r o d u c t i o n b y M u l t i m e d i a l e c u r a t
o r N i e l s V a n T o m m e
c u r a t o r ' s o f f i c e
t h u r s d a y, j a n u a r y 1 8 7 p m

curator's office
1515 14th street nw
suite 201
washington, dc 20005


curator's office is pleased to present a free preview program for the upcoming Multimediale festival in April of 2007. Mark Cooley is a new genre artist interested in exploring politics, economics, power, identity, and visual rhetoric in American popular culture. His work has been shown internationally in online and offline venues such as Exit Art, Postmasters Gallery, Furtherfield.org and Rhizome.org.

Multimediale is an innovative four day new media art festival curated by Niels Van Tomme that brings together a multiplicity of people and ideas around the theme, ‘Art as Mediation’. The festival will run April 19-23, 2007 and will be headquartered at Provisions Library and American University, Washington DC.
http://www.multimedialedc.org (online soon)

Called the hippest tiniest gallery in town by Jeffry Cudlin of "The
Washington City Paper", curator's office is a micro-gallery
dedicated to presenting progressive works and ideas.

But we are a small space, so RSVPs are essential.