Festival HTMlles 8: CROWD CONTROL


Call for Contributions

Deadline : EXTENSION to 15 January, 2007 :: Festival HTMlles 8 - Oct. 2007 :: CONTROLE DES MASSES | CROWD CONTROL :: The HTMlles Festival for Media Art and Networked Practices is a biennale event held in Montreal. An initiative of StudioXX feminist digital art and resource center, the HTMlles Festival is now entering it's 8th edition under the thematic title of "Crowd Control".

'Occurrences of inclusions and exclusions can be observed when tracking a migrating person, object or concept through time and theory, as well as space. The ability (or inability) to migrate is an invisible measure for the capacity to move. Who/what is able to move? What information is kept and what is left out? What is transferable and what is not? What are possible options for controlling the inclusions and exclusions ?'

The festival has developed into a vibrant International forum, bringing together women and active feminists working with technology. Originally founded as a 'web art' festival, the HTMlles maintains a focus on works and dialogs related to networking.

The HTMlles festival invites guest projects and presenters and extends a call for submissions of works to be selected by jury. HTMlles 8 : Crowd Control will be held in Montreal in October 2007. The call for project submission will close on January 5, 2007

The HTMlles festival is directed by curator Kyd Campbell in collaboration with the team of StudioXX, a programming committee and a dedicated festival staff.

links to further information and the online application forms: