ECOARTTECH - Practical Quicktimes

Cary Peppermint:
The Department of Ecology, Art, & Technology

Recent Works -------------------

Wilderness Trouble V1.0, 2007 (9.2MB) A Quicktime video and DVD, inspired by William Cronon’s article entitled “The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature.” This article, which was critical to ecocriticism’s recent shift from deep to social ecological models, argues that the concept of “wilderness” has no basis in nature but is a historical and cultural construction. Cronon points out that the U.S. preoccupation with conserving “natural” spaces untouched by humans was a guise of American colonialism (throwing indigenous people off their land to make national parks), and his concern is that it fails today to imagine new, healthy, and sustainable relationships between humans and their environments. This meditational DV attempts to add a consideration of the digital to this reevaluation of wilderness—by refusing to separate modern human life from relatively “natural” environments and by thinking about nature and the digital technologies that make this work possible in the same frame.


Wilderness Information Network, Summer 2006 (31.8MB)

Quicktime documentary of an installation at the intersection of artist-curation and collaboration. Initiated by Cary Peppermint, this project included sound-art works from over thirty international artists. WildInfoNet encouraged artists to create sound works in the “voice” of ecological other, or to make works in which the artists’ considered themselves as human animal; beings within “nature” producing sound for unknowable others. The project was located 173 miles northwest of NYC, in the Catskill mountains of New York state, Hikers to the back-woods installation used wireless technologies and transistor radios to receive the information-art via .mp3 downloads and radio transmissions. This documentary is featured on DVD in the upcoming Sound:Space Sound Art Symposium, a day of artist talks, demonstrations, and performances exploring contemporary artistic use of sound and environment at the South Hill Park Digital Media Centre in Bracknell, United Kingdom (


A Series of Practical Performances In The Wilderness (3.4 - 11.2MB) Quicktime performance database made in the woods and on rural backlots. Practical Performances is part of Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir’s series of performance art videos begun in 2002. These videos document the performances that took place one summer when we spent too long in the woods and away from "civilization." Previously, however, we understood this video-performance work in the following way…

------------------- ECOARTTECH.NET Artistically & creatively imagining non-primitive, ecologically sustainable futures. ------------------- ------------------- -------------------