Announcing Berkeley Digital Art Symposium
Richard Rinehart:

Hello Rhizomers, you are invited to...

New Media & Social Memory Jan. 18, 2007 UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

The UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive is proud to present New Media & Social Memory, a public symposium to discuss strategies for preserving digital art at a time when digital technologies are evolving and becoming obsolete at an astonishingly rapid pace. While focussing on digital art, the symposium will also address larger concerns about the long-term conservation of our increasingly digital culture, including how we decide what digital materials - from Web sites to video games - are worth saving. The full day of presentations and panel discussions by leading experts in the field of digital preservation, including Stewart Brand and Bruce Sterling, will be held in the museum theater on Thursday, Jan. 18.

This symposium is open to the public free of charge; however, due to limited space, online registration is required. See attached image for program. For more information or to register, visit --

Richard Rinehart --------------- Digital Media Director & Adjunct Curator Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive --------------- University of California, Berkeley --------------- 2625 Durant Ave. Berkeley, CA, 94720-2250 ph.510.642.5240 fx.510.642.5269