Hz #9


Hz #9 presents:


THE COMPOSITION-INSTRUMENT: MUSICAL EMERGENCE AND INTERACTION by Nobert Herber Composer and sound artist Nobert Herber explores the question "What kinds of compositional technique can be used to create a music" in the field of computer games and interactive digital media where the line between "composition" and "instrument" is increasingly blurred.

LeWITT’S IDEAL CHILDREN by Domenico Quaranta "Software art is conceptual art's acknowledged son" is the hypothesis around which art critic and curator Domenico Quaranta builds his anyalisis on genealogy of software art: "Is the history of conceptual art relevant to the idea of software as art?"

DISSONANCE, SEX AND NOISE: (RE)BUILDING (HI)STORIES OF ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC by Miguel Álvarez Fernández Composer, musicologist and curator Miguel Álvarez Fernández deconstructs the reading of history of electroacoustic music through the concepts of dissonance and noise.

BEHIND TECHNOLOGY: SAMPLING, COPYLEFT, WIKIPEDIA AND TRANSFORMATION OF AUTHORSHIP AND CULTURE IN DIGITAL MEDIA by Sachiko Hayashi With sampling as starting point, artist Sachiko Hayashi relocates several issues relevant to the culture of digital media.*

OPENING UP PUBLIC SPACE by Art Clay By "using wearable computing technology within global ubiquitous networks as an art tool," sound artist Art Clay's new project "China Gate" opens up our civic space for "one of the most important functions of public performance: social interaction."

TIME AND REAL-TIME IN ONLINE ART by Ewa Wojtowicz "If there is a navigable cyberspace – does it imply navigable time as well?" New Media Art historian Ewa Wojtowicz examines net art practice that employs time from various perspectives.

[Hz Net Gallery]


15x15 by Richard Vickers

CITYSNAPPER_5[BERLIN] by Olivier Vanderaa


{TRANSCRIPTION} by Michael Takeo Magrude

Hz is an on-line journal published by the non-profit art organization Fylkingen in Stockholm. Established in 1933, Fylkingen is the oldest forum for experimental music and intermedia art in Sweden. Throughout its history Fylkingen has been known to be a driving force in the Swedish art scene to introduce and promote yet-to-be-established art forms, the examples of which include the music of Bartok, the video works of Nam June Paik, Electro-Acoustic music during the '50s as well as the New Media performance of Stelarc in recent years. Our members are leading composers, musicians, dancers, performance artists and visual artists in Sweden. For more information on Fylkingen, please visit www.hz-journal.org/n4/hultberg.html.

Sachiko Hayashi/Hz